Midwife Care
Whether your delivery is attended by an obstetrician or a midife, vaginal or sugical, we care about your experience and look forward to working with you toward the goal of a safe delivery. Some women with a low-risk pregnancy prefer to be attended in delivery by a midwife. Midwives provide normal prenatal care for pregnant woman and oversee the mother an baby during labor, birth, and for a few weeks after birth. Some midwives also provide general health care services, routine exams, health coaching and contraceptive counseling.
A Cochrane study found women that were attended by a midwife generally experience less narcotic pain-management during labor, had fewer episiotomies, fewer forcepts/vacuum-assisted deliverys and fewer cesearian sections.
Not all women meet the criteria for midwife-assisted deliveries, in those cases, we have highly qualified physicians available to provide you the best of care. No matter how your baby is born, we are committed to your health and safety.
*Hatem M, Sandall J, Devane D, Soltani H, Gates S. Midwife-led versus other models of care for childbearing women.Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2008, Issue 4. www.cochrane.org
Whether your delivery is attended by an obstetrician or a midife, vaginal or sugical, we care about your experience and look forward to working with you toward the goal of a safe delivery. Some women with a low-risk pregnancy prefer to be attended in delivery by a midwife. Midwives provide normal prenatal care for pregnant woman and oversee the mother an baby during labor, birth, and for a few weeks after birth. Some midwives also provide general health care services, routine exams, health coaching and contraceptive counseling.
A Cochrane study found women that were attended by a midwife generally experience less narcotic pain-management during labor, had fewer episiotomies, fewer forcepts/vacuum-assisted deliverys and fewer cesearian sections.
Not all women meet the criteria for midwife-assisted deliveries, in those cases, we have highly qualified physicians available to provide you the best of care. No matter how your baby is born, we are committed to your health and safety.
*Hatem M, Sandall J, Devane D, Soltani H, Gates S. Midwife-led versus other models of care for childbearing women.Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2008, Issue 4. www.cochrane.org